Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Old Photos.

I recently purchased a negative photo scanner(Q-Pix FS-170 Film/Slide Scanner)
. You would not get a better quality photos compare to the camera that is available now but I can say that with the help of photo enhancer on my iphoto, it helps abit. I purchase the scanner for a different reasons,

  1. To get all the photos into a hard drive so that we can save keep it in our fireproof safe incase(touching wood here) that something catastrophic happens to our home. 
  2. I want to do a photo book for each child
  3. To organise myself & have photos up on walls.
So far, I am loving it. Its fast, quick & easy to use. Bought it in Officeworks for $92. One thing I found out though, you need a SD card that is in GB or else it would not read(learn from experience when I put a 128MB card in & it did not work.

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